Shore points

Growing up in New Jersey guarantees a few things about a person - their sarcasm is unmatched, for those from North Jersey it’s Taylor Ham not Pork Roll, and summer is spent “down” the shore. Sitting in bumper to bumper traffic on the Garden State Parkway South toward ‘Shore Points’ is a sign that summer is here. Although this year amidst a global pandemic, summer was going to be different. "Shore Points” takes you on a nostalgic journey through New Jersey. 
This series documents New Jersey during Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend as New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy slowly reopens the state. Right before the national holidays some of the biggest steps forward occurred. Beginning in May with the reopening of public beaches through July with the reopening of amusement parks, casinos, and more. Masks have been deemed required in all public spaces throughout the state, however many opted to forgo the facial covering. By Labor Day Weekend the next phase included indoor dining, gyms, movie theaters and indoor performance venues, all at 25% capacity. “Shore Points” depicts a dystopian reality, a summer of disarray at the Jersey Shore.